Friday, May 1, 2020

Scenic Drives in New Jersey - Old Mine Road

Explorer Lens

It has been more than 2 months now that we are locked inside our homes and waiting for the corona curve to flatten. It is still not recommended to go to parks or get to the beaches, and frankly we are also scared to do so, but the traveler, explorer and nature lover inside us, wants to get out amid the nature and refresh ourselves.

So here is some good news for the people of New Jersey.
There are some amazingly beautiful scenic drives in NJ, which you can experience from the comfort of your car. So through this new series, I will share some picturesque roads with you that will appease your mind and add some new colors to your otherwise stagnant life.

The first scenic road in my list that we drove through last weekend is Old Mine Road.
It is one of the oldest continuously used roads in the USA and most part of it is in the Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area.

The road is mostly single lane, with rocks on one side and river on the other. The speed varies from 15 to 25 miles per hour.
There are lot of historical buildings, old mills, farms and wide open grounds along the way, which look quite stunning.

The main USP of the trip are the spots in the vicinity of the river, where you can park the car in a small patch near the road and hike few steps downhill to witness the mesmerizing view of the river and surrounding mountains. Not to forget the wildlife which you might have never seen roaming so freely before. We encountered two groups of deer and one bear during our entire trip, which was just priceless. I couldn’t take pic of the bear as it went inside the forest quickly.

I would definitely suggest to take his day trip from the comfort of your car, for the peace of mind and refreshment of soul, during these hard times.

Explorer Lens / Author & Editor

Traveler | Blogger | Photographer | Author | Co-founder | Social Influencer | For PR or business enqueries


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