Saturday, March 24, 2018

Places to visit in New Jersey - Ken Lockwood Gorge Wildlife Management Area

Explorer Lens

Ken Lockwood Gorge Wildlife Management Area is one of the most picturesque places in New Jersey. Located in the Hunterdon County, this place has been included among the “Top ten most beautiful places in New Jersey” by New Jersey monthly magazine.

With steep slopes, swiftly flowing river water, beautiful trails, huge rocks and a variety of flora and fauna, it is a paradise for hikers, photographers, fishing enthusiasts and people who love camping.

The place is beautiful, tranquil and easily accessible.
The South Branch of the Raritan River is at its finest as it tumbles through the Gorge.
Among the trails, the Columbia trail and the one that runs through the Gorge are the best.
If you are lucky you can also spot different species of deer and black beer.
It is also a good place for cyclists.

Also the surrounding area upto 5 miles is beautiful and provide a lot of good photography opportunities, nice tracks for cyclists and great camping spots.

Tickets & Fees
This place is free to public.

Easily accessible but the parking is limited so during rush hours who can find it difficult to get a spot.

There are no cafes or food junctions nearby so plan your meal accordingly.
The best thing is to bring your own food and enjoy it in the lap of nature.

Now time for some gyan from Explorer Lens
1. It is a place which can be visited in any season.
    During winters, witness the stunning scene created by the ice buildup on the rocks on the either
    side of the river.
    Spring and Summer are the time when birds return to their nests along the riverbanks and also a
    great variety of beautiful ferns start showing up.
    Without any doubt also one of the best places in New Jersey to view fall colors.
2. A great site for fishing so do get your rods.
3. Lastly the route to this place is equally amazing so always keep your cameras ready.
4. A great picnic and family spot.

Explorer Lens / Author & Editor

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