Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Best Christmas Residential Display in the world - Dyker Heights,New York

Explorer Lens

The holiday season, starting from Thanksgiving to New Year is one of the best time of the year. Glittering lights, decorated houses and yummy cookies, the treat is on for atleast a month.  

Many places are decorated exclusively for Christmas, like Christmas villages, drive through light shows, amusement parks etc. However, there is also a community which displays one of the best holiday lights in USA, that too for free.

Yes, I am talking about the affluent residential community that is located in southwest corner of Brooklyn in New York City – “Dyker Heights”.

The best time to see the lights is mid-December through the New Year’s eve.
As the community is big and there is so much to see, I would suggest to reach by 5 p.m. as it 
takes almost 4-5 hours to cover the entire setup on foot.

Tickets and Fees
There are no tickets or entry free.

Explorerlens Gyan:
- The best lights are from 11th to 13th Avenues (also known as Dyker Heights Blvd), 83rd to 
86th Street.
- There can be parking problems, as it is a residential area, so I would suggest parking your
car in the parking area of some superstore.
- Keep some protein bars and food with you, as there is a lot to walk.
- As there is a lot to capture, carry your DSLRs and lens that capture the night light perfectly.
Bring some $1 and $5 with you. Many of the families who put on these displays also collect
money for local charities.
- There are guided tours also available if you are worried about finding your own way

And, here are some pics from my visit to this Fantasy World:

Explorer Lens / Author & Editor

Traveler | Blogger | Photographer | Author | Co-founder http://r4review.com | Social Influencer | For PR or business enqueries contact:ankitdavv@gmail.com


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