Monday, August 21, 2017

US Revisited : Opening colors

Explorer Lens
So after a year, I am back to the Mecca Medina of IT professionals, United States of America.
The previous visit was amazing in terms of travel, adventure and new experiences, the expectations are really high with the current one too.

Last time it was mostly solo traveling which is now soon gonna convert into couple mode.
Here are some opening shots from a short road trip which started from New York and had its final destination as Parsippany.

Plans are to come up with loads of travelogues, road-trips and some cool pics from my stay in the USA.
Hope you guys enjoy them :)
Till then Happy traveling..!!

Explorer Lens / Author & Editor

Traveler | Blogger | Photographer | Author | Co-founder | Social Influencer | For PR or business enqueries


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