Sunday, November 6, 2016

Road Trip from Florence to Myrtle Beach..!!

Explorer Lens
Travelling is not only my passion but also a necessity to keep me alive and refreshed.
It was time for yet another long weekend and how can it be complete without a roadtrip.

This time we went to Myrtle Beach via Florence.
It takes around 5 hours to cover around 300+ miles, the distance between Jacksonville to Florence.
From Florence it takes around an hour to cover 70 miles which is the distance to Myrtle Beach.

Myrtle Beach is one of the hottest tourist destinations in South Carolina, known for it's helicopter rides, celebrity designed golf courses, brown-sugar colored beaches, water sports and numerous rides and shopping opportunities at Broadway by the beach.

Explorer Lens / Author & Editor

Traveler | Blogger | Photographer | Author | Co-founder | Social Influencer | For PR or business enqueries


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